Chapter 4: NetStores Credit Card Processing Variables |
To utilize different credit card gateways, the following variables must be set globally or for each merchant.Existing variables
This is required. Set to card processor's code:MALL - standard, no card verification, information is emailed to the merchant
CCASH - CyberCash
AUTHNET - Authorize.Net Ver. 2.5
AUTHNET3 - Authorize.Net Ver. 3.0
PAYMENTNET - Payment.Net (VeriSign)
CYBERCASH3 - CyberCash, version 3
WORLDPAYSJVIS - WorldPay Select Junior [Visible (normal)]
WORLDPAYSJINV - WorldPay Select Junior Invisible
PLUGNPAY - Plug 'N Pay
QBMS - QuickBooks Merchant Services
[Note: The PayPal integration does not use this parameter.]
Required for non-MALL and non-CCASH CARDPROC setting. Set to program path that handles the authorization call, executed in place of Remember to include host name as well, for example "". Typically, this is a perl script that is tailored to the requirements of each card processor. Current authorization scripts are:
ATSBANK - (ATS Bank)AUTHNET - (Authorize.Net)
AUTHNET3 - (Authorize.Net)
PAYMENTNET - (Payment.Net)
CYBERCASH3 - (CyberCash version 3)
WORLDPAYSJVIS - (WorldPay Select Junior [Visible (normal)])
WORLDPAYSJINV - (WorldPay Select Junior Invisible)
PLUGNPAY - (Plug 'N Pay)
PSiGate - (PSiGate)
[Note: The PayPal integration does not use this parameter.]
Note that any program that fills this role needs to perform certain minimum processing. Details of what is required can be found in the file /var/www/dwos-bin/
New variables
Merchant-specific. Not required. This determines if transaction will be submitted as Auth-Only or Auth-Capture. If not set, will default to Auth-Capture. Do *NOT* put this in malldata, merchant- specific only. Currently, they are in the /var/www/dwos-bin directory:
Possible values:AUTHONLY
Merchant-specific. Not required. Determines whether we will ask the gateway to reject cards that fail the AVS check. Default is to not reject based on AVS status. Set to "YES" to reject if zip *and* address do not match. Currently implemented for AuthNet and CyberCash3. The proper setting is determined by the merchant's agreement with their bank.
Possible values:YES
All these are required.AN_PROGRAM="/var/www/dwos-bin/s_client"
AN_HOST="" (Ver. 2.5)
orAN_HOST="" (Ver. 3.0)
All these are required.PN_PROGRAM="/var/www/dwos-bin/pntrans"
PN_HOST="" ("" for testing)PN_HOST="" PaymentNet was bought by Signio which was bought by VeriSign.
PN_PORT="443" (can also use "1605" or "1606" for testing)
PN_MERCHID - Merchant's Payment.Net ID
PN_MERCHPWD - Merchant's Payment.Net password
Optional(?) [Depends on VeriSign merchant.]
PN_PARTNER - Merchant's VeriSign Reseller (Note: This parameter is not in 'malldata' (default setting is 'VeriSign'), as it might cause problems for existing VeriSign merchants.)
All these are required.WorldPay Select Junior Variables
All these are required.WorldPay's HTTPS host:
WorldPay's HTTPS port number:
WorldPay's script that handles "Select Junior" (the location of the script on their site):
The Merchant's installation ID number which is set up to use WorldPay's "Select Junior (Visible)":
WP_MERCHID - Merchant's ID number
The Merchant's password used to verify the callback from WorldPay's "Select Junior (Visible)":
WP_CALLPWD - Merchant's callback password
WP_TRANSACTION_CURRENCY - The store's currency (no multicurrency display support yet)
WorldPay Select Junior Invisible Variables
All these are required.WorldPay's HTTPS host:
WorldPay's HTTPS port number:
WorldPay's script that handles "Select Junior Invisible" (the location of the script on their site):
The Merchant's installation ID number which is set up to use WorldPay's "Select Junior Invisible":
WP_MERCHID - Merchant's ID number
The Merchant's password used to authorize the transaction to WorldPay's "Select Junior Invisible":
WP_AUTHPWD - Merchant's authorization password
WP_TRANSACTION_CURRENCY - The store's currency (no multicurrency display support yet)
These are required:
PayPal's HTTPS host:
PayPal's HTTPS port number:
PayPal's script (the location of the script on their site):
The Merchant's PayPal ID number:
The description an order gets on the Merchant's PayPal account:
PP_ITEM_NAME="Purchase from Payment Palace, Inc."
These are optional:
The URL for Merchant's logo. The image must be a size of 150 by 50 pixels, and will be shown on PayPal's transaction page:
PP_LOGO_URL="[URL to Merchant's Logo]"
Skip asking for a shipping address from the shopper while at PayPal. Set to "1" to set the option. If the option is not being used, then remove the parameter:
Skip asking for a note from the shopper while at PayPal. Set to "1" to set the option. If the option is not being used, then remove the parameter:
Plug 'N Pay Variables
All these are required.Plug 'N Pay's HTTPS host:
Plug 'N Pay's HTTPS port number:
Plug 'N Pay's script that handles the merchant's transactions (the location of the script on their site):
The merchant's Plug 'N Pay ID number:
PNP_MERCHID - Merchant's ID number
The merchant's Plug 'N Pay password:
PNP_MERCHPWD - Merchant's authorization password
These are optional:
PNP_DCC_MERCHANT - This is a DCC merchant
PNP_DCC_MERCHPWD - This is the DCC Password
PNP_DCC_ACCEPT_LIT - This is the button text for the Plug & Pay's DCC Accept Page.
PSiGate Variables
All these are required.PSiGate's HTTPS host:
PSiGate's HTTPS port number:
PSiGate's script that handles the merchant's transactions (the location of the script on their site):
The merchant's PSiGate's ID number:
PG_MERCHID - Merchant's ID number
The merchant's PSiGate's password:
Recommended globally set variables
It would be best to set the following in the global as they do not change from merchant to merchant:
PN_HOST="" ("" for testing)PN_HOST="" PaymentNet was bought by Signio which was bought by VeriSign.
New Store Procedure, Authorize.Net
1) Create store using Telnet to chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename].
3) Edit, assumes parameters AN_PROGRAM, AN_HOST, and AN_PORT have been set in global
3a) Change CARDPROC to "AUTHNET"3b) Add CCCGIBIN, set to ""
3c) Add CC_CAPTURE, set to either "AUTHONLY" or "AUTHCAPTURE"
3d) Add AN_MERCHID, set to the Merchant's Authorize.Net ID
3e) Add AN_MERCHPWD, set to the Merchant's Authorize.Net password
New Store Procedure, WorldPay Select Junior
1) Create store using Telnet to Chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename].
3) Edit, assumes parameters WP_HOST, WP_PORT, and WPSJV_SCRIPT have been set in global
3a) Change CARDPROC to "WORLDPAYSJVIS"3b) Add CCCGIBIN, set to ""
3d) Add WP_MERCHID, set to the Merchant's WorldPay installation ID
3e) Add WP_CALLPWD, set to the Merchant's callback password
Note: Since we don't have multicurrency support yet, a store only displays the prices for its products in one currency. Therefore, set the below variable to that currency, the shopper will be able to pay in different currencies at WorldPay's site.
Add WP_TRANSACTION_CURRENCY - set to the store's currency.
Note: Since WorldPay asks for test transactions before having a store go 'live', set the below variable to '100' for a transaction that will be accepted, '101' for a transaction that will be rejected. When the store goes live, remove the variable.
Add WP_TEST_MODE - set to '100' or '101' to test transactions before going 'live'.
Add SAVE_CCINFO - set to 'NO'
Add MAIL_CCINFO - set to 'NO'
New Store Procedure, WorldPay Select Junior Invisible
1) Create store using Telnet to Chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename]
3) Edit, assumes parameters WP_HOST, WP_PORT, and WPSJI_SCRIPT have been set in global
3a) Change CARDPROC to "WORLDPAYSJINV"3b) Add CCCGIBIN, set to ""
3c) Add CC_CAPTURE, set to either "AUTHONLY" or "AUTHCAPTURE"
3d) Add WP_MERCHID, set to the Merchant's WorldPay ID
3e) Add WP_AUTHPWD, set to the Merchant's authorize password
Note: Since we don't have multicurrency support yet, a site only displays the prices for its products in one currency. Therefore, set the below variable to that currency, the shopper will be able to pay in different currencies at WorldPay's site.
WP_TRANSACTION_CURRENCY - The store's currency.
Note: Since WorldPay asks for test transactions before having a store go 'live', set the below variable to '100' for a transaction that will be accepted, '101' for a transaction that will be rejected. When the store goes live, remove the variable.
Add WP_TEST_MODE - set to '100' or '101' to test transactions before going 'live'.
New Store Procedure,
Payment.NetVeriSign1) Create store using Telnet to Chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename].
3) Edit, assumes parameters PN_PROGRAM, PN_HOST, and PN_PORT have been set in global
3a) Change CARDPROC to "PAYMENTNET"3b) Add CCCGIBIN, set to ""
3c) Add CC_CAPTURE, set to either "AUTHONLY" or "AUTHCAPTURE"
3d) Add PN_MERCHID, set to the Merchant's VeriSign ID
3e) Add PN_MERCHPWD, set to the Merchant's VeriSign password
3f) If necessary, add PN_PARTNER, set to the Merchant's VeriSign partner (reseller)
New Store Procedure, ATS Bank
1) Create store using Telnet to Chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename].
3) Edit, assumes parameters ATS_PROGRAM, ATS_HOST, and ATS_PORT have been set in global
3a) Change CARDPROC to "ATSBANK"3b) Add CCCGIBIN, set to ""
3c) Add CC_CAPTURE, set to either "AUTHONLY" or "AUTHCAPTURE"
3d) Add ATS_MERCHID, set to the Merchant's ATS Bank ID
3e) No password is required
New Store Procedure, CyberCash 3
1) Create store using Telnet to Chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename].
3) Edit,
3a) Change CARDPROC to "CYBERCASH3"3b) Add CCCGIBIN, required, set to ""
3c) Add CC_CAPTURE, set to either "AUTHONLY" or "AUTHCAPTURE"
3d) Add CCID, required, set to merchant's CyberCash ID.
New Store Procedure, PayPal
1) Create store using Telnet to Chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename].
3) Edit, assumes parameters PP_HOST, PP_PORT, and PP_PROGRAM have been set in global
3a) Add PP_MERCHID, set to the Merchant's PayPal ID3b) Add PP_ITEM_NAME, set to the Merchant's custom order label for NetStores transactions at PayPal. If the Merchant doesn't give a custom label then set the parameter to "Purchase from (store name)".
3c) Add the PayPal optional parameters, PP_LOGO_URL, PP_SKIP_SHIPPING, and PP_SKIP_NOTE as needed
4) Edit payopt, assumes all the PayPal parameters have been set for the Merchant:
3a) Add a "Pay with PayPal" line to the bottom of payopt
New Store Procedure, QBMS
1) Create store using Telnet to Chinook, change directory to /var/www/dwos/data/[storename].
3) Edit, assumes parameters PP_HOST, PP_PORT, and PP_PROGRAM have been set in global
QBMS_CONN_TICKET=""4) Edit payopt, assumes all the QBMS parameters have been set for the Merchant:
Create your Connection Ticket
Place your new connection Ticket and Save Changes
Credit Card Number Variables
This determines whether CC Credit Card number information is saved to the order file (ordopn and ordfil). If not specified, behavior is determined by CARDPROC setting (MALL, yes, CCASH, no, all others, yes). Perl modules affected are and
Possible values are:NO
Determines whether CC Credit Card number information is mailed to the merchant. If not specified, behavior is determined by CARDPROC setting (MALL, yes, CCASH, no, all others, yes). This variable will override any setting of CARDPROC. Perl module affected is
Possible values are:NO
Determines whether CC Credit Card number will have the last four digits replaced with asterisks ('****') in emails to the merchant. If not set, behavior is not affected by the code changes.
Possible value:YES
Star out all but first 6 and last 4 digits of credit card numberCINFO_ENCRYPT('YES','NO)-
encrypt the credit card number when it is savedSAVE_CCINFO
to its original behavor (simply either 'YES' or 'NO')
Miscellaneous Notes
Codes written to 6th field of the trxlog file identify the card gateway used for that transaction: A - Authorize.Net, B - ATS Bank, P - Payment.Net, C - CyberCash 3.
Mail to merchant will contain cc info (card number & expiration date) only if CARDPROC == MALL or MAIL_CCINFO == YES
Information saved to order files (ordfil & ordopn) contains cc info unless CARDPROC == CCASH or SAVE_CCINFO == NO if SAVE_CCINFO == YES, order files will contain cc info in all cases If the card name is changed on the final check-out screen, then the new name supplied will be written to the merchant email as well as to the order files.
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