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Chapter 2: New URLs and Files

New files and directories

shpvia file - calculating shipping costs

The custship file is no longer used. Instead, you should create a shpvia file as described below. You can also set either the HCBYD or the HCBYI parameter to calculate handling costs.

The new shipping method field appears in the Order Total page only if the NEWGUI parameter is set to a non-zero value and you have created a list of the shipping options in a file called /dwos/data/store-abbrev/shpvia ( for store-specific options) or /dwos/malldata/shpvia (for mall-wide options).

The shpvia file can contain any of the following options:

  • UPS Next Day
  • UPS 2nd Day
  • UPS 3rd Day
  • UPS Ground

If you create a shpvia file, the FROMZIP parameter is defined, and either AVGWGT or WGHTFL D is defined, then NetStores uses UPS' online "Quick Cost Calculator" which estimates UPS charges for shipments in the 48 contiguous United States. (This calculator is located at http://www.ups.co m/u sing/services/rave/rate.html.)

If the UPS calculation is successful, the SCBYD and SCBYI parameters are ignored. However, you may still want to define these parameters for occasions when the UPS server is temporarily not available.

rip directory - for temporary files

The new /dwos/data/store-abbrev/rip directory structure stores temporary information about shopping transactions in progress.

hotfil.asc file - for promotional ordering

If you want to let customers browse your store using the promotional ordering interface described in the next section, you should create a file in your /dwos/data/store-abbrev directory called hotfil.asc. This file shou ld contain the subset of the items in itmfil.asc that you want customers to be able to order through the promotional ordering interface.

The format of these two files should be exactly the same. Only the number of items should be different. Using hotfil.asc allows NetStores to find these items quickly.

  • If customers will see the promotional ordering pages without first searching for items, you must create the hotfil.asc file.
  • However, if you want links to pages that use the promotion al ordering interface in the Search Results page you should not create this file. (You create such links by defining the OBJFLD parameter and providing URLs that link to HTML pages in itmfil.asc. For an example, see http://www.netstores.com/dwos-bin/drv-srch.pl?-m+mal+-f+Category%3DHIP%20HOP|Label%3DATL ANTIC|sortby%3DTitle.) If you do not create the hotfil.asc file, NetStores will use a temporary file that it creates when d isp laying search results. This file contains the subset of itmfil.asc that matches the search results. This is most likely a smaller file than hotfil.asc would be if you include every item that has a link in the Results page.

HTML for "Promotional Ordering"

The gen-cat interface is no longer supported in this release of NetStores. (The program still exists on UNIX platforms for upward compatibility.)

If you want to create pages that let customers place orders without using a form to search, you can include code that uses NetStores directly in HTML files that you write. (You may also need to create a file called hotfil.asc as described in the previous section.) The HTML files can contain any text and images you want to use. For each item you want to allow people to purchase, include the following HTML code:

    <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/dwos-bin/proc_ordr.pl">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="nccust" VALUE="store-abbrev">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="itemno" VALUE="qty">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="order" VALUE="Order Item Name">

The itemno should match the value of the unique key field in itmfil.asc for each item. The qty should be the number of items to order (usually 1).

You can include as many of these form blocks in a page as you like. Make sure you clearly identify the item that each button will add to the order. Clicking the button adds the item to the order and takes the customer to their Shopping Basket page.

For an example, see http://www.netstores.com/demo/demo2.html.

HTML for "Configured System" ordering

The gen-conf interface is no longer supported in this release of NetStores. (The program still exists on UNIX platforms for upward compatibility.)

If you want to create pages that allows customers to order configured products as if they were a single item with many options, you can include code that uses NetStores directly in HTML files that you write. The HTML files can contain any text and imag es you want to use. The beginning of the form should include the following tags:

    <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/dwos-bin/proc_ordr.pl">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Config" VALUE="Submit">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="nccust" VALUE="store-abbrev">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="func" VALUE="frontend">
    <P>Account#: <INPUT NAME="memno" SIZE=12>
    <P>Password: <INPUT NAME="userpass" SIZE=12>

Create the radio fields and check box fields as described in the NetStores v1.0 manual. For an example, see http://www.netstores.com/integrix/sws5.html.


NetStores v2.0 Update
NetStores v1.0

1: What's New in v2.0?
2: New URLs and Files

3: New Parameters
4: Credit Card Processing Variables

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